środa, 28 października 2015
Excel clustering and other interesting plugins
Have a look at these plugins, especially "cluster"http://www.prodomosua.eu/ppage02.html
wtorek, 27 października 2015
Excel: Iterate through x, return y's to table
My own humble attempts in VBA:
Enter one x and record 3 outputs:
Enter two variables and record one output, in a table suitable for a 3d plot (eg. heat map).
Enter one x and record 3 outputs:
Sub simulate() Dim x, xStart, xEnd, xStep As Single Dim i As Integer With Worksheets("Simulate") i = 1 xStart = .Range("f4").Value xEnd = .Range("g4").Value xStep = .Range("h4").Value .ListObjects("tblSim").DataBodyRange.Delete 'Shift:=xlToUp For x = xStart To xEnd Step xStep Worksheets("ProductList").Range("D10").Value = x With .Range("a1") .Offset(i, 0).Value = x .Offset(i, 1).Value = Worksheets("Analysis").Range("N19").Value .Offset(i, 2).Value = Worksheets("Analysis").Range("N20").Value .Offset(i, 3).Value = Worksheets("Analysis").Range("N21").Value End With i = i + 1 Next x End With End Sub
Enter two variables and record one output, in a table suitable for a 3d plot (eg. heat map).
Sub simulate() Dim x, xStart, xEnd, xStep as Double Dim i, j As Integer Dim y, yStart, yEnd, yStep as Double On Error Resume Next With Worksheets("Simulate") 'Get iteration parameters xStart = .Range("h4").Value xEnd = .Range("i4").Value xStep = .Range("j4").Value yStart = .Range("h5").Value yEnd = .Range("i5").Value yStep = .Range("j5").Value 'Clear old data '.ListObjects("tblSim").DataBodyRange.Delete 'Shift:=xlToUp .Range("A10:L100").ClearContents 'Generate x axis i = 1 For x = xStart To xEnd Step xStep .Range("a20").Offset(0, i).Value = x i = i + 1 Next x 'Get results j = 1 For y = yStart To yEnd Step yStep .Range("a20").Offset(j, 0).Value = y i = 1 Worksheets("ProductList").Range("D11").Value = y For x = xStart To xEnd Step xStep Worksheets("ProductList").Range("D10").Value = x .Range("a20").Offset(j, i).Value = Worksheets("ProductList").Range("N21").Value i = i + 1 Next x j = j + 1 Next y End With End SubWhat about more dimensions? I think it would be the best occasion to feed an array in vba (then... how to save it?) or feed a cube in MS SQL. About saving/loading an array: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18114527/load-multidimensional-vba-array-from-disk http://www.vb-helper.com/howto_read_write_binary_file.html
poniedziałek, 26 października 2015
Telegraph on Elections in Poland
sobota, 24 października 2015
piątek, 23 października 2015
Late night photography readings: superresolution
Stacking for superresolution:
Very simple, interesting and promising technology:
Very simple, interesting and promising technology:
Free Stanford material - Intro To Statistical Learning
Read on LinkedIn group: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/stanford-open-course-statistical-learning-very-good-who-lin-sun
and R-Bloggers http://www.r-bloggers.com/in-depth-introduction-to-machine-learning-in-15-hours-of-expert-videos/
Visited: http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~gareth/ISL/ and helped myself with the handbook. See also: http://statweb.stanford.edu/~tibs/ElemStatLearn/
Signed up and accessed the Course at Stanford: https://lagunita.stanford.edu/courses/HumanitiesScience/StatLearning/Winter2014/courseware/f6eb0a2902904c6e8f74a2c15833d1ad/dbbe6095fa55431b8253590e2658dc3e/
Collection of datasets: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ISLR/index.html
Another course based on the book: http://www.alsharif.info/#!iom530/c21o7
Thank you Lin Sun for this great info!
OT. Also free. Old versions of Rapid Miner. Somehow it is difficult for me to localize and download the old free versions at authors' site: http://www.win.tue.nl/~rmans/RapidMiner/doku.php?id=wiki:installation
and R-Bloggers http://www.r-bloggers.com/in-depth-introduction-to-machine-learning-in-15-hours-of-expert-videos/
Visited: http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~gareth/ISL/ and helped myself with the handbook. See also: http://statweb.stanford.edu/~tibs/ElemStatLearn/
Signed up and accessed the Course at Stanford: https://lagunita.stanford.edu/courses/HumanitiesScience/StatLearning/Winter2014/courseware/f6eb0a2902904c6e8f74a2c15833d1ad/dbbe6095fa55431b8253590e2658dc3e/
Collection of datasets: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ISLR/index.html
Another course based on the book: http://www.alsharif.info/#!iom530/c21o7
Thank you Lin Sun for this great info!
OT. Also free. Old versions of Rapid Miner. Somehow it is difficult for me to localize and download the old free versions at authors' site: http://www.win.tue.nl/~rmans/RapidMiner/doku.php?id=wiki:installation
czwartek, 22 października 2015
Excel vba: Best macro to remove empty rows from listobject tables.
Best reliable, highly recommended:
Sub ert() Dim lo As ListObject 'Application.ScreenUpdating = False On Error Resume Next 'if SpecialCells(4) not exists For Each lo In ActiveSheet.ListObjects With lo .ListColumns(1).Range.SpecialCells(4).Resize(, .ListColumns.Count).Delete shift:=xlUp End With Next lo 'Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
wtorek, 20 października 2015
Leanpub bookshop: free books - R, statistics, data mining!
I highly recommend https://leanpub.com/
PS/OT This reminded me about a wonderful book about programming and C# fundamentals: http://www.introprogramming.info/english-intro-csharp-book/
Learn R, learn C#, it costs nothing!
- If you are poor, most books are free of charge. Initial price is a suggestion.
- If you wish to contribute, move the slider to select the contribution. See how much author earns!
- Buy the book when it is developed - author gets encouragement and early income!
- Some books accompany free online courses, eg. coursera.
- Select epub, mobi, pdf....
PS/OT This reminded me about a wonderful book about programming and C# fundamentals: http://www.introprogramming.info/english-intro-csharp-book/
Learn R, learn C#, it costs nothing!
Where to learn R... index 2015
Learning R: Index of Online R Courses, October 2015:
niedziela, 18 października 2015
Sunday Coffee: workflow editors in R like MS Data Tools
I am looking at various data workflow plugins and addins for R that would be equivalent to superb Microsoft Data Tools. (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt204009.aspx My complaint: these tools are superb as experienced during job training, but not yet working in my MS SQL 2014 Developer at home). That is why I am looking for alternatives and so far I have identified the following:
1. Red-R
2. EF-Prime
1. Red-R
2. EF-Prime
środa, 7 października 2015
Data mining with VBA - interesting tools.
Have a look at these three tools :-) https://www.sites.google.com/site/sayhello2angshu/dminexcel
wtorek, 6 października 2015
Disapponted with Microsoft, lost money, time and stomach ache...(Data Mining, SSAS, Data Tools )
Short version:
MS SQL 2014 Developer's Version plus Data Tools (SSAS, SSIS) plus Excel Data Mining Plugin equals lots of hopes and big disappointment involving loss of valuable time and money.
These will be mild words after some anger reduction meditation.
I was preparing my laptop for Business Intel and Data Mining training. I had already lost one night for installing recently purchased MS SQL 2014 Developers Version over unknown issues and error messages giving no clue. Then I found on some blog there are two or three files left over by earlier version of MS SQL, innocent setup files left over after an uninstall, preventing the new version from installing. I hoped it was over.
I intended to use my computer instead of the virtual environment offered during the BI course, so that I could bring home and experiment with the examples. It appeared that neither Visual Studio Data Tools for SSAS and SSIS, nor the Excel Data Mining plugin will work.
I tried another night to resolve the issue, reading posts, with no luck. I discovered I am not alone with questions and problems that noone could successfuly address. I also studied professional forums only to learn that now I should install Data Tools separately and try Excel plugin for data mining version ver. 2012 SP 2 with no guarantee for a success.
The instructor of the Data Mining course tried to assist me but after a couple of minutes gave up and proposed I should rather work on a virtual machine. I tried to update Windows with all the current patches, uninstall and then reinstall Visual Studio and MS SQL Server. With no luck
The software is now installed but it is not functional as expected. The Excel data mining plugin will not work and the Data Tools are not present in MS Visual Studio.
I also tried to contact MS Tech Support, describing the problem. I went through automatic machines to reach a human. He requested I should run a scan for integrity of the system. There were no errors. He offered to call next day which I did, I prepared a description of my problem and requested an email where I can send it... but I was not given the option on the next day. I also tried to fill in the form and describe the issue in as much detail as possible (environment, software versions, error messages). I pasted it in to learn there was a length limit for text and my message was cut after several sentences. I was really pissed off with Microsoft.
I am loosing my patience. I have alreday purchased a product that is not functional... It does not do what it promises, what was expected. Gosh!
PS: More reading:
data mining add in for microsoft excel
"object reference not set to an instance of an object"
https://social.msdn.microsoft. com/Forums/en-US/8d1d3c3b- be6a-4a3e-9fc0-7f97be291432/ data-mining-excel-2013-error- object-reference-not-set-to- an-instance-of-an-object? forum=sqldatamining
https://social.msdn.microsoft. com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/ 3abbf7d2-5b3a-47ab-b742- bb38835f0492/error-with-excel- data-mining-and-windows-81? forum=sqldatamining
https://social.msdn.microsoft. com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/ f6e52e58-6a8a-4b96-8f2d- e1278777a825/excel-data- mining-addin-error-object-not- set-to-an-instance-of-object? forum=sqldatamining
https://social.msdn.microsoft. com/Forums/windowsdesktop/en- US/86a42e38-051a-4d85-bb73- 601b35492eb6/object-reference- not-set-to-an-instance-of-an- object?forum=sqldatamining
And so on... a lot of time and nerves lost by others.
PS 2... a letter to Microsoft (but no address to send it - in Polish):
sfc /scannow
NIe zwróciło ono żadnych informacji o problemach
does not return nie zwraca żadnych naruszeń integralności.
data mining add in for microsoft excel, "object reference not set to an instance of an object" etc.
MS SQL 2014 Developer's Version plus Data Tools (SSAS, SSIS) plus Excel Data Mining Plugin equals lots of hopes and big disappointment involving loss of valuable time and money.
These will be mild words after some anger reduction meditation.
I was preparing my laptop for Business Intel and Data Mining training. I had already lost one night for installing recently purchased MS SQL 2014 Developers Version over unknown issues and error messages giving no clue. Then I found on some blog there are two or three files left over by earlier version of MS SQL, innocent setup files left over after an uninstall, preventing the new version from installing. I hoped it was over.
I intended to use my computer instead of the virtual environment offered during the BI course, so that I could bring home and experiment with the examples. It appeared that neither Visual Studio Data Tools for SSAS and SSIS, nor the Excel Data Mining plugin will work.
I tried another night to resolve the issue, reading posts, with no luck. I discovered I am not alone with questions and problems that noone could successfuly address. I also studied professional forums only to learn that now I should install Data Tools separately and try Excel plugin for data mining version ver. 2012 SP 2 with no guarantee for a success.
The instructor of the Data Mining course tried to assist me but after a couple of minutes gave up and proposed I should rather work on a virtual machine. I tried to update Windows with all the current patches, uninstall and then reinstall Visual Studio and MS SQL Server. With no luck
The software is now installed but it is not functional as expected. The Excel data mining plugin will not work and the Data Tools are not present in MS Visual Studio.
I also tried to contact MS Tech Support, describing the problem. I went through automatic machines to reach a human. He requested I should run a scan for integrity of the system. There were no errors. He offered to call next day which I did, I prepared a description of my problem and requested an email where I can send it... but I was not given the option on the next day. I also tried to fill in the form and describe the issue in as much detail as possible (environment, software versions, error messages). I pasted it in to learn there was a length limit for text and my message was cut after several sentences. I was really pissed off with Microsoft.
I am loosing my patience. I have alreday purchased a product that is not functional... It does not do what it promises, what was expected. Gosh!
PS: More reading:
data mining add in for microsoft excel
"object reference not set to an instance of an object"
And so on... a lot of time and nerves lost by others.
PS 2... a letter to Microsoft (but no address to send it - in Polish):
Szanowni Państwo,
W związku z moim
uczestnictwem w kursie dotyczącym Data Mining w środiwisku MS SQL
chcialem skorzystać z możliwości nauki własnej. Zakupiłem więc Excel
Microsoft Office Professional oraz MS SQL Server 2014 wersje
Moje środowisko:
MS SQL 2014 Developer SP1 64bit
MS Office 2013 64bitMS SQL 2014 Developer SP1 64bit
Windows 7 Profesional SP 1 64 bit
MS Data Mining Addin for MS Excel ver 2012 sp2 64 bit
Wystąpił u mnie problem:
"Object Reference not set to an instance of an object.
Excel wyświetla komunikat że MS Data Mining Addin is causing errors
i proponuje jego wyłączenie.
"Object Reference not set to an instance of an object.
Excel wyświetla komunikat że MS Data Mining Addin is causing errors
Dzwoniłem pod nr Pomocy Technicznej Microsoftu i polecono mi wykonać polecenie,
does not return nie zwraca żadnych naruszeń integralności.
Dostęp do danych ze strony MS SQL i dodatku jest prawidłowo skonfigurowany (pod okiem trenera w czasie zajęć
z MS SQL Business Intelligence i Data Mining
W sieci można znaleźć szereg zapytań o rozwiązanie tego problemu.
Występuje on prawdopodobnie dość często . Nie ma na nie odpowiedzi ze strony Microsoft ani innych użytkowników
Google: Występuje on prawdopodobnie dość często . Nie ma na nie odpowiedzi ze strony Microsoft ani innych użytkowników
data mining add in for microsoft excel, "object reference not set to an instance of an object" etc.
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