I followed this tut, thanks! http://www.r-bloggers.com/install-r-in-android-via-gnuroot-no-root-required/
1. Installed GnuRoot app and GnuRoot Wheezy (no real rooting required, it creates its own world!)
2. Refreshed software: apt-get update & apt-get upgrade.
3. Installed R: apt-get install R-base-core.
Lots of space is needed, so delete all trash apps from your android phone!
I typed R, created a dataframe to play with, run kmeans on it, with no issues.
There is no graphics yet, you will not see plots (probably you can generate them as files), unless you install another heavy MB of linux GUI like lxde.
But for my bus trips I use txtplot - it produces density, boxplot, scatter, acf in ASCII.
To see kmeans clusters: txtplot(x,y,pch=cluster_no)
R used phone's internet and downloaded it with no issues - it means you can also download dataframes from a repository online.
A keyboard with arrows is recommended, like Hacker's Keyboard, so that it should be easy to go through previous commands, modify them and correct typo's inside the string..
GnuRoot autor Corbin Champion also offers a solution to run Octave on your phone.
I highly recommend him. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=champion.gnuroot
More: Google: install r in android:
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