Przetestowane w MS Access query (kluczowe jest tutaj użycie
- w SELECT: max(TableB.Descr)
- połączenia ON TableA.Descr LIKE (TableB.Descr+"*")
SELECT opis, wartosc FROM (SELECT DISTINCT "0" as col_order, opisszczegolowy as opis, "" as wartosc, majorID FROM (SELECT TableA.descr as opis, max(TableB.Descr) AS major, b, first(TableB.ID) as majorID, first(TableB.Details) as opisszczegolowy FROM TableB RIGHT JOIN TableA ON TableA.Descr LIKE (TableB.Descr+"*") GROUP BY TableA.descr,b ) UNION ALL SELECT "1" as col_order, opis, b as wartosc, majorID FROM (SELECT TableA.descr as opis, max(TableB.Descr) AS major, b, first(TableB.ID) as majorID FROM TableB RIGHT JOIN TableA ON TableA.Descr LIKE (TableB.Descr+"*") GROUP BY TableA.descr,b ) UNION ALL SELECT "2" as col_order, major+" Total" as opis, sum(b) as wartosc, first(majorID) FROM (SELECT TableA.descr as opis, max(TableB.Descr) AS major, b, first(TableB.ID) as majorID FROM TableB RIGHT JOIN TableA ON TableA.Descr LIKE (TableB.Descr+"*") GROUP BY TableA.descr,b ) GROUP BY major UNION ALL SELECT "3" as col_order, "Grand Total" as opis, sum(b) as wartosc, "999999" as majorID FROM TableA ) AS [Rollup_Result] ORDER BY majorID, col_order;A teraz trzeba rozwiązanie przekształcić na string SQL ACE OLEDB. W pierwszym kroku użyłem do tego celu narzędzia SQLinFormpro do formatowania łańcuchów SQL w VB (do 100 linii za darmo). Bardzo pomocne narzędzie, dzięki sensownym wcięciom pomogło mi odnaleźć się w gąszczu kodu:
Public Sub SporzadzOferte() Dim Myconnection As Connection Dim Myrecordset As Recordset Dim Myworkbook As String Dim strSQL As String Dim i As Integer 'Deal with input data range so that it refers to a Table and not to a Sheet! 'It will allow writing notes and puting a header above the table Dim rngTableA As String rngTableA = Replace(Sheets("TableA").Range("TableA[#All]").Address, "$", "") rngTableA = "[TableA$" & rngTableA & "]" 'Debug.Print rngTableA '-------------------- Set Myconnection = New Connection Set Myrecordset = New Recordset 'Identify the workbook you are referencing Myworkbook = Application.ThisWorkbook.FullName 'Open connection to the workbook Myconnection.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & Myworkbook & ";" & _ "Extended Properties='Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES;IMEX=1'" strSQL = "" & _ "SELECT opis, wartosc " & _ "FROM (SELECT DISTINCT '0' AS col_order," & _ " [opisszczegolowy] AS [opis], " & _ " '' AS [wartosc]," & _ " majorID " & _ " FROM (SELECT " & rngTableA & ".descr AS opis , " & _ " MAX([TableB$].Descr) AS [major] , " & _ " b , " & _ " first([TableB$].ID) AS [majorID], " & _ " first([TableB$].[Details]) AS opisszczegolowy " & _ " FROM [TableB$] " & _ " RIGHT JOIN " & rngTableA & " " & _ " ON " & rngTableA & ".Descr LIKE ([TableB$].Descr+'%') " & _ " GROUP BY " & rngTableA & ".descr, b) " & _ " UNION ALL " strSQL = strSQL + " " & _ " SELECT '1' AS col_order, " & _ " opis , " & _ " b AS wartosc , " & _ " majorID " & _ " FROM (SELECT " & rngTableA & ".descr AS opis , " & _ " MAX([TableB$].Descr) AS major, " & _ " b , " & _ " first([TableB$].ID) AS majorID " & _ " FROM [TableB$] " & _ " RIGHT JOIN " & rngTableA & " " & _ " ON " & rngTableA & ".Descr LIKE ([TableB$].Descr+'%') " & _ " GROUP BY " & rngTableA & ".descr, b) " & _ " UNION ALL " strSQL = strSQL + " " & _ " SELECT '2' AS col_order, " & _ " major+' Total' AS opis , " & _ " SUM(b) AS wartosc , " & _ " first(majorID) " & _ " FROM (SELECT " & rngTableA & ".descr AS opis , " & _ " MAX([TableB$].Descr) AS major, " & _ " b , " & _ " first([TableB$].ID) AS majorID " & _ " FROM [TableB$] " & _ " RIGHT JOIN " & rngTableA & " " & _ " ON " & rngTableA & ".Descr LIKE ([TableB$].Descr+'%') " & _ " GROUP BY " & rngTableA & ".descr, b ) " & _ " GROUP BY major " & _ " UNION ALL " strSQL = strSQL + " " & _ " SELECT '3' AS col_order, " & _ " 'Grand Total' AS opis , " & _ " SUM(b) AS wartosc , " & _ " '999' AS majorID " & _ " FROM " & rngTableA & " " & _ " ) " & _ "ORDER BY [majorID], [col_order]" 'Load the Query into a Recordset Myrecordset.Open strSQL, Myconnection, adOpenStatic 'Place the Recordset onto SheetX With Sheets("Oferta") .Activate .ListObjects("Table3").DataBodyRange.Rows.Delete .Range("A5").CopyFromRecordset Myrecordset 'Add column heading names For i = 1 To Myrecordset.Fields.Count .Cells(4, i).Value = Myrecordset.Fields(i - 1).Name Next i End With Set Myrecordset = Nothing Myconnection.Close Call BoldAndInsertEmptyRow End Sub
Uwaga, podczas edycji otrzymałem komunikat, że string SQL był za długi, więc musiałem go podzielić na kilka stringów. Dzięki temu łańcuch SQL stał się jeszcze bardziej czytelny, pojawiło się miejsce na komentarze między łączonymi tabelami.
Pozostało formatowanie. Uwaga, odkryłem, że funkcja val nie jest dobra do konwersji liczb w postaci tekstowej do liczb w formacie currency, powoduje utratę miejsc po przecinku, w jej miejsce zastosowałem CDbl
Option Explicit Sub BoldAndInsertEmptyRow() Dim oListObj As ListObject Dim RowCnt As Long Dim r As Long Set oListObj = Worksheets("Oferta").ListObjects("Table3") 'change the sheet and table names accordingly Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' Solve the problem with values not showing up in proper (currency) format but in text format. Dim Cell As Range For Each Cell In oListObj.ListColumns("wartosc").DataBodyRange With Cell If .Value <> "" Then .NumberFormat = "#,##0.00 $" .Value = CDbl(.Value) 'not CCur(Val(.Value)) because you are loosing fractions. End If End With Next Cell '========== 'Format rows with totals: add empty row above, frame. RowCnt = oListObj.ListRows.Count For r = RowCnt To 1 Step -1 With oListObj.ListRows(r).Range 'If contains "TOTAL" - bold ent.row and add empty row below. If InStr(UCase((.Cells(1, 1).Value)), "TOTAL") > 0 Then .Font.Bold = True With .Borders(xlEdgeTop) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .ColorIndex = 0 .TintAndShade = 0 .Weight = xlMedium End With With .Borders(xlEdgeBottom) .LineStyle = xlDouble .ColorIndex = 0 .TintAndShade = 0 .Weight = xlThick End With If r < RowCnt Then oListObj.ListRows.Add Position:=r + 1, alwaysinsert:=True End If End If ' format rows with description If .Cells(1, 2).Value = "" Then .Cells(1, 1).Font.Bold = True With .Borders(xlEdgeBottom) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .ColorIndex = 0 .TintAndShade = 0 .Weight = xlMedium End With End If End With Next r Application.ScreenUpdating = True End SubPliki przykładowe: test zapytania SQL w MSAccesie działająca formatka z zapytaniem ACE SQL w Excelu.
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