piątek, 8 kwietnia 2016

caret::preprocess, how to see the results.

Being a notorious beginner I wondered how to see the results of preprocessing, (normal-izing, scaling, centering) my data with caret package in R. I typed some data in Excel and played with it in R Studio.I could not figure out at first where the results of preProcess function are. It appears they must be processed with "predict".

#preProcValues<-scale(x,center = T, scale=T) - just a note on a built in function in base R

#here i build a "model", a preprocessing object or model

preProcObject<-preProcess(x, method = c("center", "scale","YeoJohnson"))

#to see the results I must apply it
Data_PreProc <- predict(preProcObject, x)

#I build a table to see source data and processed data side by side.


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